Monday 19 December 2011

just go ~ i bored with you . do whatsoever you want . kali niey xkan okay lagi macam sediakala ! fullstop ~ broken heart by you ! 

Thursday 8 December 2011

- new life begin ^_^ - Daeng Leyra -
salam jumaat oll's :) see picta daeng niey . bergaya sakan dgn spect baru daeng twww , hehe >,< i'll create my new life fully with happiness afta this :) no need to regret , yang penting tade sape daa yg nak buat daeng sakit aty . itu yg penting kan ?? ya , til now daeng hadapi suma niey dengan senyuman . so chill . nway picta yang daeng hapload kat bloog niey sbnrnye DP fb dgn DP fon daeng . even tak bpe chomey mcm kowg2 sume , at least daeng ad jgk mulut hidung & mata yg sepet mcm kowg kan ?? fuh ~ bersyukurr . huuhuuu >,< act daeng bushan sgt skrg . tataw nk chat or msg or coment ngn sape . tuew duk update kat blog niey . daeng stil berkire nak deactivate blog niey ke tak . nant daeng pk pk dulu hokayy ~ later daeng bgtw :)